About Aine

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Originally from Ireland, I moved to The Netherlands in 2011, where my experience and admiration for acupuncture began. At the time, I was living a very fulfilled, exciting life, yet it had somehow also lost its spark, nothing had changed, yet something didn’t feel right. I was recommended by a friend to try Classical Five Element Acupuncture, as it works on the body, mind and spirit. I was sceptical at first, thinking “How can sticking needles in points on my body affect my happiness?”. I had profound results quickly, both emotionally and physically which I’d not anticipated. My problematic skin and digestion both improved drastically, as did my overall sense of self and well being. I went on to study Five Element acupuncture at

COFEA in 2017, and I’ve never looked back. Five Element Acupuncture has enriched my life both physically and emotionally and I continue to be in awe of this ancient medicine and all that it has brought to my life.  The stories I have been privileged to witness through my studies and in practice are incredibly inspiring, and the benefits are extensive - in the body, mind and spirit. Finding acupuncture has nurtured my innate need to help people, so please do get in touch to see what I can do for you.