Frequently asked questions


What are acupuncture needles?

A sterile, very fine needle (approximately 5 times finer than a sewing needle), are placed upon this skin in specific points throughout the body. All needles are Individually packed and sterile, and discarded after individual patient use.

What is an energy detox?

Needles are placed in acupuncture points on the back bilaterally relating to determine if vital Qi energy relating to certain organs is pure and undisturbed. This ensures the starting point for on-going treatment is based on pure clean energy which will then be distributed around the body and organs following diagnosis and the treatment plan.

Is acupuncture covered by insurance?

Acupuncture falls under complementary medicine in the policy and is part of an additional health insurance policy. It depends on your health insurance policy whether you can apply for reimbursement.

View the available reimbursements per health insurer >
View the Independer reimbursement overview >

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations can be made up to 24 hours before the appointment, please contact Aine directly to cancel the appointment. The full appointment fee will be charged if you fail to cancel within the 24 hours.

Is Acupuncture painful?

Acupuncture is a very safe, not invasive healing practice. When the needle makes contact with the acupuncture point, a short-term physical sensation is felt, however it is not painful. When needles are placed on the body in a non-point location they are rarely felt at all.

Is Acupuncture safe during pregnancy?

Yes, Acupuncture is safe during pregnancy and can help relieve many pregnancy and postpartum conditions. It is always best to let me know if you are pregnant as some points are not treated treatment during pregnancy.

Are the needles left in?

In Classical Five Element Acupuncture most of the time the needles are inserted and then removed immediately once connection has been made with the energy point approx (5-10 seconds).

Wheelchair access

Unfortunately we currently do not have full wheelchair access at the Amstel 182A - it is possible, however, there is 1 step which we must work together with inside the main door

Privacy Declaration

You can visit my website without telling me who you are and without having to provide any personal information.

Cookies When you visit - it may temporarily store some information on your computer in the form of a temporary “cookie” that helps the website function better. These cookies are only stored as long as your internet browser is open. The cookie is deleted when you close your browser. No cookies are used for other reasons.

Personal Information
If you are interested in what I do and would like to ask a question or make an appointment via the contact page, please leave the necessary personal information.

Data and Privacy in Practice
I do my best to guarantee privacy by carefully handling personal and medical data. As a treating therapist, I have a duty of confidentiality.
Your client file, if applicable, contains notes about what you tell me about your health and notes about our consultations and treatments performed.

Personal data
The data in your possible client file can only be used for the following other purposes:

  • Use in practice observation by another therapist.

  • In the case of intervision meetings with colleagues, a case can be discussed anonymously to improve the health and well-being of the person in question.

  • Use of limited data for financial administration. An administration office is also legally obliged to guarantee the security of your personal data.

  • Customers may choose to have their provided data transferred by the therapist to another therapist.

In order to be able to declare the invoice to your health insurer, the following information is stated on it: your name, address, date of birth, invoice date, treatment type, treatment date and rate.

What does NOT happen with personal data
Without prior approval from you, no personal data will be shared with third parties or used for other purposes.

Rights regarding data
According to the WGBO, Medical Treatment Agreement Act, a therapist is obliged to keep client files for 20 years after the last change. Customers have the right to inspect, rectify or delete personal data.

If you have complaints about incorrect use of your personal data, you can contact the  Dutch Data Protection Authority  .