

Free introductory phone consultation
15 minutes

Initial intake appointment
Please allow 1.5 to 2 hours (Cost €115)

All information is important for the diagnosis. With respect for how much or how little you want to share we will discuss the complaint (s), health, personal history, medical history and lifestyle. Physical routines are noted; sleep, appetite, etc are considered. 

Following on from the conversation I complete standard physical checks, blood pressure, etc before starting the energy detox on the back and then some final points as deemed necessary based on my diagnosis together with your reasons for the visit.

Read our frequently asked questions


Subsequent appointments
Please allow up to 1 hour (Cost €80)

To allow your body’s natural healing abilities to strengthen and stabilise, I recommend four to six follow up appointments after initial intake, once per week if your schedule allows. Thereafter, treatments can be spread out more depending on progress and personal needs.